Thursday 24 April 2008

Lisa McPherson

This is the thing about scientology. There is just so much stuff involved with it it's hard to cover all bases. I heard about Lisa McPherson in Feb/March but simply glossed over the details, what since I had a million other URLs to look at. Last night I looked at the web site in detail and good lord. I had expected to see something pretty bad and I've seen enough corpses so the pics wouldn't bother me.

Reading the police reports, scientology logs, depositions etc, it's quite clear that she was imprisoned, insane and in need of severe medical (non psychological) help weeks before she actually died. It's another shocking fact that noone went to jail for that. From the scientologist's own logs: "she was too weak to stand." Who in their right mind wouldn't at least call a taxi to get her to a hospital? The hospital was minutes away. Dragging her along the ground would have been kinder. And this was a full week before she died!

Here's an example. Suppose you have to leave your home for a few weeks for business. When you come back you find your wife/daughter/other loved one looking like a starving refugee covered in cuts and bruises from hitting walls etc and cannot go from lying on the bed to standing without assistance do you:

1) offer a pureed banana and a protein shake? Then give encouragement.
2) shit yourself and dial 911 (or your local emergency service)
3) shit yourself then throw her over your shoulder, manhandle her into the car, drive the two blocks to the nearest emergency hospital

The scientologists chose option 1.

And the DA seemed to let them away with it.

So could it be concluded that scientology thinks that purging negative engrams is more important that living? If it seems that death is on it's way (the signs were there well before she died) and you are not going to take her to a hospital to try to prolong life, then why don't you just kill her and get it over with? There was no reason for her to die. Ok, the normality of her life was obviously not normal. But whether she lived or died was entirely in their hands. They chose death and she died slowly over the course of two weeks. At any point she could have been saved.

Now the average anti-cos is probably thinking "yeah, this proves they are bad." No, it doesn't. It means that some scientologists are idiots and should be in jail. It means that America's policing system is shit. But it doesn't prove that scientology is bad. Not at all. What does prove that scientology is bad is that every other scientologist in the world can't/won't look at this case and think "we need to do something" "this is bad" or even an honest "We fucked her"

Scientologists: are you all so selfish, so content in your cotton wool universe that even another scientologist's life is no longer relevant?

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