Monday 21 April 2008

Blogger terms of service

Just reviewing the TOS for this blog when I came across this:

HATEFUL CONTENT: Users may not publish material that promotes hatred towards groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status and sexual orientation/gender identity.

Ok, so where does this blog fit in? Do I promote hatred towards a religion?

1) Religion

Scientology is not a religion, IMO. Philosophy? Ok. Religious philosophy? Sure. Religion? Um, no.

Why? Because I refuse to believe that some guy 50 years ago made a religion. That's not how religions are made. Some guy 2000 years ago, sure. Especially when Islam, Christianity and Judaeism seems to merge in some way. Especially when the way of life was so completely different we probably couldn't comprehend. But one guy, 50 years ago, when he was broke? Come on! It's not a religion.

2) Do I promote hatred?

Hatred is a powerful emotion. I usually comes about due to extreme circumstances. I'm not likely to post content, only words. I can't see my words being quite that powerful.

And can criticism be construed as hatred? I hate marmite. I think it tastes like shit. I hope you hate it too so that together we can drive this spread from our supermarkets. Have I just promoted hatred of a consumer product? It seems so. But my criticism is for the product, not the people. Although obviously the people who eat this stuff must have some genetic mutation on the tongue or are just insane ( / joke)

Likewise with scientology. The managerial structure/policy I don't like. The people inside it are good. They just need to leave or go Free. Either one is great. Spread your religious philosophy around in the same way every other philosophy gets spread. Let it grow in the 'Open Source' way. That's how you make a religion. Real people coming together. Not a phony operation with a price tag, lies and coercion.

But Co$ is more sneaky than the makers of marmite. Co$ says it tastes good. Co$ taints it's products so that the first few tries tastes quite nice (lots of sugar, perhaps.) Then less sugar goes in (like a gradient) then pop, you're stuck liking marmite.

So am I promoting hatred of a religion? No. I promote hatred of the management. I promote hatred of the structure (billion year contract!) I promote hatred of Fair Game. However, the philosophy, the part of scientology which could actually be called religious? Of course I don't hate it. You could believe the earth was flat and the moon was made of cheese. I wouldn't hate that either.

As to my personal view of the religious elements of Co$, it seems LRH made the church by adding a little hypnotic suggestion, eastern meditation, psychology (ironic, isn't it), one or two choice items from other religions/beliefs and a chunk of sci-fi. As I said, not a religion. But if fiddling with the useful bits helps someone's life, then that's great. Do tell more (with a comment perhaps?)

Indeed. I like hypnotic suggestion, eastern meditation and psychology. Maybe I'm almost a scientologist :) But I'll never eat marmite.


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